Civil War

Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg was the last major battle of the Civil War.  It was a three day battle from July 1-3, 1863.  General Lee's goal was to get between the Union army and Washington D.C. to stop any supplies from reaching the army.  On day 1 Lee didn't know how many troops the Union army had, but he attacked anyways.  Lee's army ended up pushing the Union army back and by the end of the day, the Confederacy controlled Gettysburg.  On day 2 more Union troops arrived and the Union army held a line shaped like a candy cane stretching from Culp's Hill over to Cemetery Hill and then down to Little Round Top.  The Confederates tried to flank the Union at LittlRound Top.  What helped the Union troops was that they had snipers positioned on Big Round Top, pickng off the Confederate troops as they came in to attack.  The Union troops were still outnumbered three to one and had no ammo, though.  They bayonet charged down hill and won.  is was a huge blow to the Union army.  They retreated back to their positions in Gettysburg as the day had started.  On day 3 Lee decided to send his army straight at the Union army.  The Confederate army was slaughtered.  George Pickett led the charge across a huge open field at the Union army.  On their way they being taken down by the Union army troops firing down from above a hill.  They also had to stop and hop a fence in between, which gave the Union troops time to reload and fire again.  With the Confederate losses in Gettysburg they were unable to continue fighting.  They did not have enough troops to continue the war.
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